Descripción del proyecto
Medio ambiente – Uganda – 2008
Cursillos Intensivos de Teatro // Kampala (Uganda)
2008 // Kampala (Uganda)
Dirección // Marisa Lull
Textos y Actores // Begoña Caparrós, Pato, Yoann, Brian, Robert, Bukenya, Sharon Virtue, Grace, Susan, Bagonza, John Marie.
2 Cursillos Intensivos de Teatro en Kampala (Uganda) en Febrero de 2008 impartidos por Marisa Lull, invitada por Begoña Caparrós creadora de la Fundación Inmovement, arte para el cambio social.
El Tema elegido por la Fundación para el trabajo de 2008 fue el MEDIOAMBIENTE.
Sobre técnicas de Teatro en Colaboración y Teatro Biográfico ofrecido a los artistas que imparten Clases de Arte a niños desfavorecidos en los Orfanatos de Kampala.
1/ Sobre los elementos: Aire, fuego, Agua y Tierra.
2/ Natural Disaster, Personal Disaster.
When all the trash
that is around
when all the sounds bang in my head
I look around
in search for trees
felling the wind and go to swim
My personal disaster is about doing and being.
Industrial life, seasonally worker, from kitchen to classroom, passing by snow or burning my skin in the Caribbean , some say I am unstable. NO MAN. Starting and learning is so fun. A new day, a new life, a new adventure.
Society sees it as a personal disaster.
Some others see it as a discovery of the self I and I (…)
Once my friends and I had gone to the Nile where we often went
to learn how to swim. There was this one guy that was the best amongst
us, he had swimming jocks like he would pretend that he was drowning
then, as we got worried he saved himself. However, one day in the same kind
of jock he drowned. Since then I don’t like to swim!